Wednesday, September 30, 2009

*I deal with an insane amount of people on a daily basis. I am mentally collecting lots of gems that are uttered by our wonderful work clientele.

new favorite:
"so what do you do with all this stuff at the end of the night?:

"we donate it to a couple of homeless shelters in the area, like the salvation army, amos house, and crossroads."

"oh man......that's great, they are SO lucky, I can't believe it."

"um, not really..........they ARE homeless."

you know this was a man. and apparently in his eyes, overpriced organic pastries and breads make up for crippling unemployment and debt rates. cheers!

*life has been a million times better once I realized that my ex didn't actually love me. I believe he thought he did, at one point anyway, but once I look at the sum of all the parts, it's clear. and it gave me that extra push I needed to be so much better. aside from a solely physical attraction, there is really nothing attractive about him to me anymore. it's true that personality accounts for so much in chemistry, etc. it certainly sucks to feel like stuff meant a lot less than you previously thought, but again, people are what they are!

*there are certain albums/bands/songs that appeal to the broadest groups. every once in awhile, a band will blow up that everyone loves, from the annoying music snob to the guy who only listens to the radio at work. right now I feell that is Phoenix. you can hear their music on The Hills, the radio, being played at clubs by djs of all sorts, and in the headphones of people who have pitchfork as their homepage. bon chance, boys, je t'adore!

*Jennifer's Body is the most entertaining movie I've seen in awhile. I love Diablo Cody. ugh. she met her ex on a forum for Brian Wilson/Beach Boys super nerd fans. they traded bootlegs. she flew across the country. sigh.

more. later.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


welcome back.

oh hey, I finally got the daniel clowes tattoo I've wanted. the first page of enid, her walking, black and teal, on the back of my forearm.. yay! I haven't been doing too much out of the ordinary. working a lot, a couple profitable trips to foxwoods, planning a baby shower, a little modelling/photography projects, and a couple of the most fucked up dates of my life..

a customer at work brought in a huge box of books for me. the first one I picked up was a hardcover autobiography/memoir by LL Cool J. I immediately hung the cover up on my locker. the second book I picked up was that book, 'Johnny and his gun' or whatever, the book about WWI, where the solider has no arms, no legs, or anything like that, he's just a brain. I'm sure youve heard of this, FUCKING METALLICA DUDE...

to be continued..