for years he has claimed total celibacy, and written lots of solo stuff about it. but apparently now the Moz is back, and either went on, or off, the crazy pills, because this new album art of his is questionable at best. behold the bonkerz cover of the new Morrissey album, 'Years of Refusal':

Okayyyyy. so now he fancies himself a pop pop. but for real, he is clearly gayer than thou in that shirt/necklace/chest hair combo. but if this album cover is next levs, then the inner sleeve for the 'Paris' 7inch, is POST levs.

'hi' not included.
oh lordy. seems the ol' boy is finally bust out of the closet. that's the thing about you indie boys.......always braggin' about some 7 inches YOU DON'T HAVE.
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