Thursday, December 17, 2009

pulling no punches.

what can I say? it was a good year for popular blogworthy music.

10. Girls, ALBUM
9. Neko Case, Middle Cyclone
8. Built to Spill, There Is No Enemy
7. Om, God is Good
6. A.C. Newman, Get Guilty
5. The Brother Kite, Isolation
4. Phoenix, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
3. Japandroids, Post-Nothing
2. Antlers, Hospice

1. Animal Collective, Merriweather Post Pavillion

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Dinosaur Jr, Farm; the xx, the xx; Bear In Heaven, Beast Rest Forth Mouth; Bon Iver, Blood Bank ep; Cass McCombs, Catacombs; Cursive, Mama I'm Swollen

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


you're not my dream girl
you're not my reality girl
you're my dreams come true girl

it's that time of year again! YEAR END LISTS! get 'em done.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

huey lewis's 'sports'

somebody. let's talk about this game.

Friday, December 11, 2009

bor. rowed. time.

love shitty things? check out the David Bowie bootleg Dallas Moonlight. on April 27, 1983, Stevie Ray Vaughan joined Bowie on a soundstage in Texas to personally destroy 29 of Bowie's greatest hits. wherever you stand on the Bowie fence, I defy you to make it all the way through this “bluesified” version of TVC15 without shuddering your headphones off.

and before any of you try to deflect the trauma by making jokes about cocaine descisions (we've all been there), remember that Bowie’s coke phase was in the mid-70s and was more or less excellent. this has nothing to do with white lines and everything to do with smoking white grooves. if the breathy jazz version of Jean Genie doesn’t give you chills just wait for the monumental jizz-off at the end of Star.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I only care about matieral things

I know I'm on your christmas list.

Buy For Me Lovers

'cause life sucks kids: all up and down the dial



I enjoy my little sister. she is funny. not the same sense of humor of me, but funny in a ditzy goofy way. abby has been an epic fail in the past 6 months (drug charges, dropping out of h.s., being PREGNANT), but today she gave me some much needed cheering up by being incredibly stupid.

she woke me up and begged me to go to the new chinese restaurant with her. apparently its the best. so because Im the best I took her over there to buy her sorry pregnant ass some lunch. as we were eating, she sneezed rather conspiculously, during which a huge amount of spit came out of her mouth and into her napkin. normally abby embarasses quite easily, but in this case she just laughed. my idiotic sister then proceeded to say that she thinks chinese people are robots. I repeat: she thinks chinese people, such as our waiter, are ROBOTS.

"I always forget they are like real people, I think of them as robots."

"that's disgusting, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't know, they look different and talk different. you just spilled food on yourself and you didn't seem ashamed either, so Im not alone"

"that's because I'm a fat pig not because I'm so xenophobic I believe non-Americans are ROBOTS."

so that's what a not-even-high school education will get you.

*I like being home, as a visitor. even just being in Maine for 2 days turns me into a backwoods lumberjack. no really, today I had to climb on a ladder in my backyard, and CHAINSAW some branches down. I was covered in sap and pinecones were everywhere. I also got wet, swung in a hammock, took dirty pictures on the home copier, and got some curtains.

*I also took painkillers for the first time in a year. ugh. I was hoping to never have to take them again. but I was in pain. I will be in pain for awhile. I am not myself and may never be again.

*coming from a small town can suck sometimes. I went to goodwill and then rite aid with my sister, and of course I see 2 guys I know. not just 2 guys I know, but one was the most genius guy ever, whom I graduated with and he went to harvard and once tried to kill himself. I avoided him so he didn't think I still lived here. much worse though, was the fact that the guy who rang me out at rite-aid was a guy from a neighboring high school whom I blew at a party after a long-term relationship ended when I was like, I dunno, 15/16? I don't think he recognized me. phew.

hold your horse is

well now that my brief blogging hiatus is over, be prepared for more trite personal comments and random online craporama.

Mat Riviere: lives in constant fear that the bottom of the range Yamaha sampler he got for his 15th birthday will one day just stop working.