december 26th-29th mark d came to maine to visit with my family again, and stay at my mom's lake house by our lonesome, as sort of a pseudo-vacation.
vacation roundup!:
number of times dad called mark d a loser: 4
number of kids that gave mark d a high-five and snubbed me altogether: 1
number of dunkin donuts we stopped at: guessing 4 or 5
number of football games watched: 2
number of trips to walmart: for me, three
number of times I bought alcohol at walmart: 3
number of times my sister mouthed 'fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou' to mark behind his back welcome to the dollhouse style: 3 I recall
number of hotels stayed at: 1, the holiday inn, whereupon my mother forced us to stay the night before we left for sebago lake, because she didn't want us staying on my older sisters couch like heathens
number of times mark d slept totally naked: 2
number of meals eaten that were in some form cooked by us: 1, frozen pizza and wings
number of times mark d beat my 18 year old sister up with a broom: 1, when she hid on the stairs and scared him
number of times mark d fooled me into thinking the 'demo' on the electric piano was actually him: 1, the talentless hack
number of woodchuck ciders my underage sister drank that I bought at walmart: 3.5
amount of minutes spent debating whether or not to buy scene-it or trivial pursuit: probably about 40 total, at walmart and at the cabin, mark d and I will over-discuss any purchase, like the time we legit spent 30 minutes in a stop and shop discussing the purchase of a $3 plastic pitcher, at 9pm
number of suits bought at thrift stores: 2, D's
number of guys reacquainted with at bars in portland, whom I went to one year of college with 4 years ago and was friends with, and haven't seen since 2004, and who mark d made fun of moments before I said hi to him realizing it was my old friend: 1, Lee.
well, that's a partial roundup of my 'vacation' in maine, there are several pictures from the journey on my facebook.
oh has anyone else seen this commercial for the earpiece that gives you 'sonic' hearing and the ad shows it being used for everything from listening to someone talk about you at a party across the room, to the elderly at bingo, to a girl at the beach listening to someone compliment her body, to kids struggling in big classrooms?
it reminds me of seinfeld where george has the deaf girl read lips at a party for him.
this thing rules!
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